Saturday, November 22, 2014

Information Technology

I use an iPad everyday as part of the TVA testing program I have been working on since March, approaching 100 homes. I collect data as required by the installed program, minimum 3 usually 4 sometimes 6 hours each site. Blower Door testing, Ducts 3 ways and REMRate driven site info.The data is supposed to be uploaded everyday to a secure server in Nashville where it is downloaded and analyzed by TVA engineers. Since spring the system has collapsed on itself for various reasons, some iPad related some from software upgrades and often failures at the server and the software they use to facilitate the data transfers. Everyone I deal with at DNV GL (through whom I subcontract with TVA) is extremely nice and seemingly competent as accountants, IT, IS, Engineers etc. Some of them are in San Diego, some in Nashville one in N. Carolina some in Holland, and some in Connecticut. They are currently in arrears with me for 6 weeks of invoices and I have not been able to connect to the triple protected server in Nashville since last Monday. What amazes me is that when I get to actually talk with them, (not texting or e-mailing) they seem chagrined and apologetic but not at all surprised by these results. I believe this is what is called “The new normal.” And this is why GM has a decade of bad, sometime deadly, ignition switches and Tanaka has supplied millions of equally deadly air bags for our cars.

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